Options For External Hemorrhoid Care
Hemorrhoids are a common problem for many people. They can be internal or external. Both types of hemorrhoids can go away on their own, but if they're bothersome, you should see a doctor. Internal hemorrhoids aren't usually painful. External hemorrhoids can cause pain, bleeding, and itching. These symptoms may cause you to seek medical treatment. Here are some options for external hemorrhoid care.
Make Lifestyle Changes
Your doctor might advise you to make lifestyle changes that help your hemorrhoids and that might even prevent new hemorrhoids from forming. This might include changing your diet to include more fiber and water. You might even need to take fiber supplements.
You might also need to change your bowel habits to include not putting off a bowel movement when you feel the urge and not sitting on a toilet for too long. You may need to switch to wet wipes to clean yourself after a bowel movement so you can keep yourself clean without irritating your skin and hemorrhoids with harsh, dry toilet paper.
There are also over-the-counter hemorrhoid lotions and gels for external hemorrhoid care that your doctor might suggest you try to relieve discomfort and itching. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help you deal with pain or you might try placing ice in a cloth and putting it on your hemorrhoids.
A hot bath might help too, and if you don't want to get in a tub and get wet all over, you can buy a sitz bath for your toilet that you fill with warm water and rest your hemorrhoids in for several minutes a few times a day.
Undergo Surgery To Remove The Hemorrhoids
If you make lifestyle changes and treat your hemorrhoids at home, they may go away on their own in a few days. However, a blood clot sometimes develops in hemorrhoids and causes pain. If this happens, and the doctor catches the clot early, they might surgically remove the hemorrhoid or remove the clot.
If you have a clot for days, the doctor may not remove it and just wait for it to go away on its own with home treatments. If you have a sudden increase in hemorrhoid pain, let your doctor know in case you have developed a blood clot so the doctor can remove it early.
If your hemorrhoids are especially bothersome and cause you a lot of pain, your doctor might suggest surgically removing them. Surgery to remove hemorrhoids may require general anesthesia and a recovery period. Once you've healed from surgery, your doctor may want you to resume your dietary changes, get more exercise, and lose weight so you can reduce your risk of getting hemorrhoids again.
Contact a local doctor to learn more about external hemorrhoid care.