Treating A Hearing Issue

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Hearing loss may include difficulty distinguishing words, experiencing a ringing sensation in one's ears, and balance issues. Hearing loss can be minor or major and may require an assessment that is performed by an audiologist. If communicating with others is getting more difficult and you often rely on reading others' lips, seek a hearing test and acquire information about corrective procedures.

The Test

A hearing test will include an analysis of symptoms that you are experiencing and a test that will determine the degree of hearing loss that you are encountering. Losing one's hearing can be a direct result of an inner ear disturbance or injury or an underlying medical condition. An ear infection that has resulted in fluid retention and swelling can be cleared up with antibiotics.

A perforated eardrum may require the use of hearing aids or a corrective procedure to repair the torn membrane. During the testing process, an audiologist will inquire about the onset of the hearing issue and its impact on your lifestyle. A series of sounds will be played at various volumes and pitches. You will be requested to indicate when you hear a noise and to specify which ear you hear it with. This type of test is usually performed in a soundproof room. 

The Prognosis

If you have an inner ear disturbance or if the audiologist has determined that your hearing loss is due to an underlying medical problem, you may be referred to an ear, nose, and throat specialist. If hearing aids will benefit you, you will be briefed about different styles, the types of batteries that are used to operate them, and the manner in which aids are programmed.

Some people wear hearing aids when they are spending time in a group setting, but are able to remove them when they are relaxing at home or in a quiet environment. Most hearing aids that are designed today are small in size and light in weight. Hearing aids can be programmed to work with a smartphone. This will allow the user to communicate effectively with a person who is on the opposite end of a call.

There are many travel accessories that are designed to be used with hearing aids. These accessories make it convenient for someone to bring their hearing aids with them on an overnight trip, without needing to worry about how they will charge the aids or store them while not in use. Review all of the information that the audiologist provides you with and choose a set of aids that are suitable for your lifestyle.

Reach out to a hearing aid supplier for more information.
