Tips For Preventing Postmenopausal Fractures

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As you age and go through menopause, you might find that you are more susceptible to bone fractures. Therefore, you are going to want to make sure that you are doing everything possible to prevent postmenopausal fractures. While there may still be a small chance of getting a fracture, especially if you have a serious accident, you can give yourself a better chance of fewer fractures by using the following tips.

Stop Smoking

If you are a current cigarette smoker, you will need to stop. You can receive help with this through the use of gums, patches, and even prescription medication if you are having a very hard time quitting on your own. The reason this is so important, besides the risk of cancer and breathing difficulties, is that the nicotine damages the bone-producing cells within your body. This puts you at a much greater risk of developing osteoporosis.

Start Exercising

Those who are physically active, either through cardio workouts or moderate weight lifting, are less prone to lose a lot of bone mass. Therefore, if you have fallen out of the habit of working out, this will be something that you will want to implement back into your normal routine of things. Even if you have to start out slow and exercise only once or twice a week, you will be able to gradually increase your workout time so you can maximize the benefits of it.

Consume More Vitamin D

If you have been slacking on your healthy eating habits, you will want to make sure that you are improving the quality of the food and drinks that you consume. The goal is to make sure that you are getting enough vitamin D, as this will help give you better bone health. Some of the foods that you can consume in order to get your daily dose of vitamin D include cod liver, canned tuna, salmon, eggs with the yolk included, and yogurt. You can also drink vitamin D enriched milk.

Go For Bone Density Testing

The best way to know how hard you will need to work to improve your bone health is to know where you are right now. Talk with your doctor and request a bone density test. This way, you will know whether you currently have great bone health or that you have a long way to go. At that time, your doctor can discuss additional things that you can do for your postmenopausal bone health so you can avoid as many fractures as possible.

When you make sure that you are implementing as many tips as possible to keep your postmenopausal bones strong, you will find that you will not have to deal with numerous fractures that others may experience. For more information, contact companies like Radius.
