Helpful Tips To Reduce Your Risk Of Computer Vision Syndrome

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If you're like most working professionals, you likely spend a large part of your day staring at a computer. While a necessary part of doing your job, this also increases your risk of developing a condition known as computer vision syndrome, or CVS. CVS develops after extended periods of cell phone, tablet and computer use. Individuals who suffer from this condition often develop blurry vision, headaches and eye strain.  Fortunately, there are a number of ways that you can reduce your risk of this condition.

Add the Right Light

Some people like to add small lamps to their computer monitor to increase visibility. This is a good step in preventing eye problems, but only if you're choosing the right type of lighting. Try to avoid high intensity lamps. You might think you're making the screen brighter, but high intensity lights also create a glare over the screen.

Use an incandescent light instead. This style of light adds the brightness you need without the glare. If your employer won't allow you to install your own monitor light, consider adjusting the brightness of the computer screen for a better view.

Think About Computer Glasses

Consider purchasing computer glasses. Computer glasses are prescription lenses designed especially for use while looking at a computer screen. One of the primary dangers of looking at a computer screen is distance. Computer screens sit farther away from your eyes than traditional reading materials, such as a book. This can cause your eyes to strain.

Computer glasses help your eyes focus. When your eyes focus, it's almost like the distance between the screen and your eyes is magically eliminated. In addition to reducing strain, wearing these glasses can also reduce glare from the screen. You don't need to have a prescription for traditional eyewear to get a prescription for computer glasses.

Practice the 20-20-20 Rule

Always make certain you are practicing the 20-20-20 rule. This rule states that every 20 minutes, you should take a 20-second break to stare at an object that is at least 20 feet away. This simple and short exercise helps reduce strain and, more importantly, gives your eyes a quick break.

If you work in an office with high ceilings, you can simply find a spot on the ceiling and look up at it for a period. Consider installing a timer on your phone that will vibrate every 20 minutes to let you know it's time for a break.

Keeping your eyes healthy begins with you. If you're concerned about CVS, it's a good idea to speak with an eye doctor, such as, for more information and care tips.
