Freeze Your Way To Weight Loss

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Gaining weight is as simple as eating more calories than you're able to burn. Losing weight is much more difficult. Eating healthy foods and getting plenty of exercise are two of the best ways to shed excess weight, and they are also among the safest methods. They aren't a quick fix either, which can frustrate some dieters. Dieters who have become discouraged often look for quick fixes that may or may not work. CoolSculpting is one of these potential weight loss methods, though you should always discuss the pros and cons with your doctor before considering the procedure to help you reach your goal weight.

CoolSculpting: Freeze Those Fat Cells

CoolSculpting is what it sounds like -- sculpting the body with cool temperatures. The procedure is done by cooling your fat cells to temperatures just slightly warmer than freezing. At these cold temperatures, the fat cells freeze and then fall apart. Once the fat cells disintegrate, your body absorbs them. This process can help you shed pounds because as the fat cells are destroyed in large numbers, that fat is essentially erased from your body.

Target Areas

The most common body areas targeted with CoolSculpting are the hips, stomach, waist and back, which are also the areas most likely to bother people looking for ways to lose weight. Demand for CoolSculpting increases each year and it has the potential to be available as a treatment for other body areas in the future.

The Procedure Itself

Your doctor will place gel pads on the skin over the area where you want the procedure. These gel pads help protect your skin from the cold temperatures. The fat under the gel pads is then sucked between two cold plates, the devices responsible for cooling your fat cells. The entire procedure takes about an hour.

Does It Work?

Like most weight loss methods, it works for some people but it might not work for other people. Most people start to see noticeable results two months or so after having the procedure done. Full results can be expected at around 4 months. You might need to have more than one round of CoolSculpting to get the results you're looking for.


CoolSculpting doesn't require anesthesia, which makes it a low invasive procedure. There are no incisions made with CoolSculpting either, so there is no healing time required. In fact, most people return to their normal daily activities immediately following the CoolSculpting process.

If you're interested in CoolScupting, contact a skin care facility like Forever Young Laser & Skincare Clinic.
