Therapy Treatments For Your Child's Lazy Eye That Can Help Correct Their Ailment
Amblyopia, more commonly known as ‘lazy eye,’ is an affliction that affects many people across the United States. 3% of young children under 6 are afflicted with this condition, caused by a nerve disconnection in the brain that keeps it from ‘connecting’ with one of the eyes. Having a lazy eye can cause issues with being able to see clearly or recognize depth perception in both eyes, and can be a worrisome ailment for you as a parent to watch your child suffer through.…
Read More »Diagnosed With Celiac Disease: Avoid These 3 Sometimes-Overlooked Gluten Foods
Gluten-free diets are the primary treatment for celiac disease, as gluten tends to cause inflammation within the small intestines and can lead to serious complications. Gluten can be found in a number of things, including various foods. In addition, some medications contain certain levels of gluten. You don’t have to stop taking these medications, as there are alternative options for you, but this will be touched on later. For now, here are a few foods that contain gluten that you may not immediately think of:…
Read More »How To Deal With Heel Pain
If you have started to experience heel pain in one or both of your feet, there are a few different reasons why they may be hurting. You will want to see a podiatrist to get a confirmed diagnosis, but a few things that it may be include plantar fasciitis, a heel spur or bruised heels. No matter what the problem is, you want to learn strategies for preventing some of the pain and for relieving pain when it does make an appearance.…
Read More »How Your Insurance Coverage Impacts Your Liver Transplant
While pharmaceutical treatments are in the works for some cirrhotic patients, for many others suffering with cirrhosis, the only cure is a liver transplant. Most people diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver are eventually placed on a waiting list for a liver transplant. If you have been placed on a waiting list, you may feel frightened and overwhelmed. While you are waiting for a liver donor, learning more about what your insurance will cover during and after your transplant is important.…
Read More »4 Heart-Healthy Foods To Add To Your Diet Right Now
There are certain foods that are not good for your body, especially your heart, such as processed meat, greasy pizza and excessively fried foods. At the same time, there are a lot of foods that are actually really good for the health of your heart. Here are four very powerful and inexpensive foods that are particularly good for your ticker that you need to add to your diet today: 1. Hazelnuts Hazelnuts are one of the best tree nuts for your heart.…
Read More »5 Ways Seniors Can Manage Their Medications
Whether it is to treat arthritis or high blood pressure, it is not uncommon for seniors to take at least one or two medications every day. However, keeping track of all these medications can be quite a challenge! So, here are five effective ways seniors can manage their medications: Take Your Medication at the Same Time Every Day If you have trouble remembering to take your medication all the time, you might want to try taking it at the same time every day.…
Read More »About Getting Customized Allergy Drugs At A Pharmacy
Is it hard to take over-the-counter drugs for your allergies because you are allergic to something inside of them? The first thing that you must do is get examined by a physician so he or she can prescribe a drug that can be compounded in a way that meets your needs. Find out below about getting a prescription filled at a compounding pharmacy to make the drugs more suitable for you to take.…
Read More »How To Clear Sinuses Naturally
Having blocked sinuses can be an extremely unpleasant situation that has symptoms that range in unpleasantness from having your nose run all the time to experiencing intense headaches caused by increased pressure in the sinus pathways. Here are some ways that you can resolve this sinus blockage naturally, without any unpleasant side effects. 1. Use Boiling Water First, take a large pot of water and heat it so that it is at a roiling boil.…
Read More »Checking For Food Allergies When You Start Feeding Your Infant Solid Foods
If you have a baby who is just about ready to start solid foods, you will want to be aware of what symptoms may signify a food allergy. Following the proper guidelines when starting the feeding process will ensure you can pinpoint which food may be to blame if you suspect an allergy is present. Here are some instructions to follow when you start feeding your baby solids to help you recognize when your baby may have a food allergy.…
Read More »3 Medications That Can Cause Dry Eyes
Dry eyes can be caused by autoimmune disorders, menopause, and advancing age. If you develop dry eyes and are young and healthy, the culprit may be your medications. Both over-the-counter and prescription medications can lead to diminished tear production and poor tear quality. Here are three common drugs that may lead to eye dryness: Antihistamines Antihistamines are medications used to prevent and treat allergic reactions. In addition to drowsiness, dizziness, and dry mouth, these drugs can cause dry eyes.…
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